2020 官网升级中!现在您访问官网的浏览器设备分辨率宽度低于1280px请使用高分辨率宽度访问。
Part Density | 1.07 g/cm³ |
Color | Black |
Tensile Strength | 56 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 3350 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 6.9% |
Part Density | 0.95 g/cm³ |
Color | White |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 183 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @1.8 MPa | 83.5 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @0.45 MPa | 146.2 °C |
Tensile Strength | 46 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 1602 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 36 % |
Part Density | 1.02 g/cm³ |
Color | Black |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 184 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @ 1.8 MPa | 53 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @ 0.45 MPa | 147 °C |
Tensile Strength | 48.2 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 1820 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 22% |
Part Density | 1.04 g/cm³ |
Color | Black |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 185.5 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @1.8 MPa | 62 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @0.45 MPa | 147 °C |
Tensile Strength | 44 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 1500 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 35% |
Part Density | 1.26 g/cm³ |
Color | Grey |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 184 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @1.8 MPa | 68.8 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @0.45 MPa | 152.4 °C |
Tensile Strength | 44 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 2644 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 9.3% |
Part Density | 1.30 g/cm³ |
Color | Black |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 185.5 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @1.8 MPa | 62 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @0.45 MPa | 157 °C |
Tensile Strength | 47 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 2810 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 8.7% |
Part Density | 1.20 g/cm3 |
Color | Light grey |
Melting Point (10°C/min) | 183 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @1.8 MP | 129 °C |
Heat Deflection Temp (HDT) @0.45 MPa | 171 °C |
Tensile Strength | 51 MPa |
Tensile Modulus | 6130 MPa |
Elongation at Break | 5% |
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